Navigating Commercial Litigation: Insights from Jeremy Schulman


Commercial litigation is a complex and often emotionally charged area of law. Jeremy Schulman, an experienced commercial litigation attorney, provides valuable insights into the process and how to effectively make your case.

Understanding the Statute of Limitations: When dealing with a contract dispute, it’s crucial to be aware of the statute of limitations for your state. For example, in California, the general rule is that the statute of limitations for a breach of contract case is four years from the date of the breach. It’s essential to take legal action within this timeframe to preserve your rights. Failure to do so may result in being barred from seeking legal remedies.

The Discovery Process: Discovery is a critical part of the trial process in commercial litigation. According to Jeremy Schulman, it involves gathering information and evidence to support your case. When filing a complaint, you must provide relevant documents and witness statements. During discovery, both parties can request additional information from each other, including witnesses’ testimonies. It is through the discovery process that the parties build their cases and gather evidence to support their arguments.

Evaluating Settlement Offers: If you are served with a lawsuit, carefully consider any settlement offer presented before making a counter-offer. The opposing party may be willing to settle the case without going to trial, which can save time, money, and reduce stress. By accepting a settlement, you can potentially avoid the uncertainty and expenses associated with a lengthy court battle. It’s crucial to thoroughly assess the terms of the settlement offer and weigh them against the potential outcomes of litigation.

Effective Counter-Offer Strategies: If you decide not to accept the initial settlement offer or if one is not proposed, it is essential to engage in negotiations with opposing counsel. Making counter-offers allows you to present alternative terms and conditions to reach a resolution. When making counter-offers, it’s important to consider not only the monetary compensation but also other factors such as the allocation of costs and alternative dispute resolution methods like arbitration or mediation.

In conclusion, commercial litigation requires careful navigation and strategic decision-making. By understanding the statute of limitations, engaging in the discovery process, evaluating settlement offers, and employing effective counter-offer strategies, you can effectively make your case. Jeremy Schulman insights provide valuable guidance for individuals involved in commercial litigation, helping them protect their interests and navigate the complexities of the legal system.