Philip Sobash is a doctor and author who has written extensively on the healthcare industry. He is a contributing editor to over a dozen medical journals, as well as a regular contributor to The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and, Reuters. Dr. Sobash has also given presentations at numerous national conferences, including the American Medical Association (AMA) Annual Meeting and the European Society of iatric Oncology (ESO).
Philip Sobash Is A Medical Doctor And Medical Editor
Dr. Philip Sobash was born on October 21, 1966, in the town of Slonim, Czechoslovakia. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Pilsen in 1992 and earned a medical degree from the university in 1995. After completing his medical education, he worked as an internist and then an ophthalmologist before starting his own practice in 2000.
What He Does With His Time
Since starting his own practice, Dr. Philip Sobash has been involved with many medical journals. He has been a Medical Doctor and Medical Editor for over a dozen medical journals. These journals include The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine, The British Journal of Ophthalmology, The European Journal of Internal Medicine, and more.
What Are The Main Medical Journals He Is A Contributor To
He has written papers on many different aspects of medicine, including epidemiology, physiology, pharmacology, and toxicology. In his work, he has used his experience as a doctor to provide clear and concise explanations of complex medical concepts. He is an excellent source of information for students and professionals looking for reliable and up-to-date information on the latest medical treatments and techniques.
Philip Sobash is a contributor to several medical Journals, including The Lancet and the European Journal of Cardiology. He is also a Medical Doctor and Medical Editor. His main focus is practicing medicine and helping people with health issues. Dr. Philip Sobash has a background in both medical science and journalism. Through his work, he has the opportunity to share his knowledge with others, as well as help them better understand their health problems. By contributing to these journals, Philip Sobash gives others the opportunity to learn from him and other doctors who are experts in their field.
Dr. Philip Sobash: MD, Contributor To Over A Dozen Medical Journals